Sunday, March 24, 2013

Project X

I have every intention to make this blog a success, but sometimes life just gets in the way. I bet you know what I mean. You look at your computer, and wish you could just sit down and type, but there are a million other things that have to be done by the end of the day. As an aspiring writer, actually finding the time to write can be quite a challenge... I should know. Sometimes my day job alone takes so much out of me, that I just want to sleep after a shift, or completely space out and watch TV -shows. I want to write, I need to write, but I also don't want to end up living on Red Bull and spending my nights writing. I love to sleep too much to do that. Although... I won't lie. The thought has crossed my mind more than once.

Despite everything that life throws at me, I do feel I've made progress with the novel that I'm working on. It's been a work-in-process for about three years now. Three years! That feels like so long, but to be able to build a good story one must work hard and for as long as needed, right? :) I think it'll take at least another year or two until I have some sort of manuscript in my hands. I have written some, but there are still holes that need to be fixed.

I bought three cork boards. They're about 3ft x 2ft of a size, and empty. But not for long! The Beginning, The Middle and The End. I'm so excited about this project! After I'm finished with the boards, all I have to do is transfer my ideas to paper, form the story. It'll be a rough path, but in the end, I believe, totally worth it.

Have a great Sunday!


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